PAM – Vice president, co-owner, everything else. Overlord.
Where did you come from?
Born in Calais, ME
How did you get here?
My dad helped open the mill in Skowhegan so we moved here in 1976 – 8 room schoolhouse to a big color-coded high school. I met Jeff in high school and started dating as juniors. We’ve been together for 43 years. It helps to have a lot of beer and gin. I bought Jeff a beer brewing kit in 1989. The rest is history. We’re big believers in fate. If we never had the horses, we wouldn’t have this barn. There’s good fate and bad but we believe everything happens for a reason.
What do you do at Bigelow?
What don’t I do? Whatever comes up I’m the person to take and field what needs to happen. I’m also the architectural visionary for everything here. (Walking into that building. I could just see it. I could just see it all!)
What do you do when you’re not at Bigelow?
When am I not at Bigelow? We like to visit breweries across the state, world, country. Whenever we’re not here we’re going to other breweries, talking to people – Europe- US, Maine. We’re always seeing other breweries.
Favorite style of beer?
Double IPA
Favorite Bigelow Beer?
Dementia Dog.
Favorite non-Bigelow Beer?
Southern Tier – Creme Brulée
Most Likely to be overheard?
“Shut the brewery door please”. Is the door open? What, do you work in a barn??
“Everything happens for a reason” and “Have someone else read it over!”
Hopes and dreams?
I hope Jeff retires from at least one job.